Базы данных
Временны́е данные
date 'yyyy-mm-dd'
time 'hh:mm:ss.zzz'
datetime 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz'
cast (days.fraction as datetime)
current_date(), current_time(), current_timestamp(n)
interval 'PyYmMdDThHmMsS'
cast(days.fraction as interval)
Событие | Дата | Статус |
Записался в вуз | 15.07 | Абитуриент |
Принёс документы | 28.07 | Абитуриент с документами |
Приказ о зачислении | 06.08 | Поступивший |
Выдача документов | 01.09 | Первокурсник |
Распределительный тест | 03.09 | Студент группы |
Событие | Год | Высота |
Геодезические измерения | 1856 | 8840 |
Топографические измерения | 1950 | 8848 |
Китайские измерения | 1975 | 8848.13 |
Измерение по GPS | 1998 | 8850 |
Повторные китайские измерения | 2005 | 8844.43 |
Непальские измерения | 2019 | > 8844 |
Совместные измерения | 2020 | 8848.86 |
Событие | Факт | Документы |
Родился ребёнок | Рождение | — |
Регистрация рождения | — | Свидетельство о рождении |
Изготовление паспорта | — | Паспорт |
Наступило XX лет | Начало действия | — |
create table entrants ( Id int not null primary key, FirstName varchar(100) not null, LastName varchar(100) not null, Status varchar(100), StatusTimestamp timestamp )
create table Students ( StudentId int not null primary key, FirstName varchar(100) not null, LastName varchar(100) not null, ) create table StudentGroups ( StudentId int not null references students(id), GroupId int not null references groups(id), bg date not null, nd date not null )
check (not exists ( select * from StudentGroups s1 inner join StudentGroups s2 on s1.StudentId = s2.StudentId where greatest(s1.bg, s2.bg) < least(s1.nd, s2.nd) ))
StudentGroups g1 inner join StudentGroups g2 on g1.GroupId = g2.GroupId using g1 (bg, nd) and g2 (bg, nd)
select g1.*, g2.*, greatest(g1.bg, g2.bg) as bg, least(g1.nd, g2.nd) as nd from StudentGroups g1 inner join StudentGroups g2 on g1.GroupId = g2.GroupId and greatest(g1.bg, g2.bg) < least(g1.nd, g2.nd)
t1 inner join t2 on condition using t1 (t1.bg, t1.nd) and t2 (t2.bg, t2.nd)
select t1.*, t2.*, greatest(t1.bg, t2.bg) as bg, least(t1.nd, t2.nd) as nd from t1 inner join t2 on condition and greatest(t1.bg, t2.bg) < least(t1.nd, t2.nd) -- bg < nd
select t1.*, greatest(t1.bg, t2.bg) as bg, least(t1.nd, t2.nd) as nd from t1 inner join t2 on t1.value = t2.value and greatest(t1.bg, t2.bg) < least(t1.nd, t2.nd) union all select t2.*, greatest(t1.bg, t2.bg) as bg, least(t1.nd, t2.nd) as nd from t1 inner join t2 on t1.value <> t2.value and greatest(t1.bg, t2.bg) < least(t1.nd, t2.nd)
select * from StudentGroups where nd = inf
select * from StudentGroups where bg <= :time and :time < nd
select * from StudentGroups
select sum(cast(nd - bg as float) * price) / sum(cast(nd - bg as float)) from prices
insert into StudentGroups(StudentId, GroupId, bg, nd) values (:StudentId, :GroupId, current_date(), inf)
update StudentGroups set nd = current_date() where StudentId = :StudentId and nd = inf insert into StudentGroups(StudentId, GroupId, bg, nd) values (:StudentId, :GroupId, current_date(), inf)
update StudentGroups set nd = current_date() where StudentId = :StudentId and nd = inf
update StudentGroups set nd = :bg where StudentId = :SId and bg < :bg and :bg < nd
update StudentGroups set :bg = :nd where StudentId = :SId and bg < :nd and :nd < bg
delete from StudentGroups where StudentId = :SId and :bg <= bg and nd <= :nd
insert into StudentGroups(StudentId, GroupId, bg, nd) values (:SId, :GroupId, :bg, :nd)
insert into StudentGroups select SId, GroupId, :nd, nd from StudentGroups where StudentId = :SId and bg < :bg and :nd < nd
create table students ( StudentId int not null primary key, FirstName varchar(100) not null, LastName varchar(100) not null, ) create table StudentGroups ( StudentId int not null references students(id), GroupId int not null references groups(id), When date, primary key (StudentId, GroupId, When) )
insert into StudentGroups(StudentId, GroupId, When) values (:StudentId, :GroupId, current_date())